Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk
This document proposes an analysis of Peter Weyland’s Ted Talk 2023 (3:08/6:53[1], L. Scott[2], 2012), promotional video of Prometheus (R. Scott, 2012). The research considers the product and its materials by studying the creative choices, the informative properties, the modalities of visual representation and promotion.
“For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Peter Weyland. And if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to change the world.”
1. Introduction
1.1. Prometheus: a new marketing myth
Developed by creating an unprecedented and sophisticated combination of materials with high immersive potential, Prometheus’ (R. Scott, 2012) transmedia campaign[3] represents one of the most impressive and pervasive promotional initiatives ever made in the entertainment industry.
Thirty-three years after the release of Alien (1979), Prometheus’ new independent story had the aim of regenerating Ridley Scott’s legendary science-fiction intellectual property through an innovative phase of narrative and commercial expansion, implemented with meta-communication strategies, intersectoral collaborations and participatory practices.
“[We want to] blur the boundaries between content and marketing, fiction and reality, story and game. It can be blurred to the point of invisibility, creating a holistic narrative experience that entertains and engages regardless of platform. […] So keeping the story going and keeping people interested with just the right amount of information was the line we tried to walk the entire time. […] The audience should have an active role to play in the narrative and their own place in the story world.”[4]
1.2. Advertising a character
Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk presents Weyland Corporation founder, Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) presenting his philosophical and business vision during a TED conference set in 2023. Weyland presence coincides with its future participation in Project Prometheus, with reference to the film, where the entrepreneur join a interplanetary mission financed by Weyland Corporation to investigate the origin of humanity.
The content of the primary campaign includes (key elements):
Ted Talk 2023
February 28, 2012
Entrepreneur Peter Weyland presents to the public his extreme vision of progress of humanity, announcing his ambition to change the whole world through the unlimited power of technology.
- Weyland Industries’ website
March 5, 2012
The company’s official website hosts sections dedicated to corporate services, the industrial sector, the company’s history and technology, recruitment and scientific projects, which all help to introduce, describe and expand the historical and techno-social context of Prometheus’ fictional world. - Introducing the David 8
April 17, 2012
David 8, which is the result of eight generations of synthetic humanoids produced by Weyland Industries, is presented to the public through an interview with advertising purposes.[5] - Prometheus international launch trailer
April 29, 2012
After the teaser trailer (Feb. 17), the publication of the extended international trailer (2:55) reveals important unpublished scenes and new fundamental information on Prometheus’s story, generating immediate and intense traffic online.[6] - Quiet Eye
May 16, 2012
The private video message sent by Dr. Elizabeth Shaw to Peter Weyland asking him to finance her scientific and archaeological research, regarding the forthcoming Prometheus mission.[7] - Training Center
May 16, 2012
The domain dedicated to recruitment as Weyland Industries operator in the Prometheus mission. To be suitable for the job, the user must perform a series of games and logical-interactive tests and obtain a high score against other users-candidates.[8] - Discover New Worlds
June 5, 2012
The domain hosts an interactive gaming experience where users can pilot the Prometheus spaceship to explore Weyland-owned space colonies and obtain information on their socio-economic context, unlocking exclusive concept artworks.[9] - Project Genesis
June 7, 2012
The domain hosts a gaming experience dedicated to helping Dr. Shaw complete her search for ancient artifacts, which are necessary for the scientific and archaeological purposes of Project Prometheus.
Users are invited to track down clues disseminated online and complete an interactive graph inside the domain, helping the archaeologist fill the star map that will indicate the mission’s final destination.[10] - 10.11.12
June 7–8, 2012
Revealed after the end credits of the film, the domain hosts a three-dimensional model of Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, and a specific note with some historical information on the book’s content. There is also an unpublished video (0:27) that shows Peter Weyland mentioning Nietzsche absorbed in his thoughts, just before his speech on the TEDtalk 2023 stage.[11]
“For those of you who know me, you will be aware by now that my ambition is unlimited. You know that I will settle for nothing short of greatness, or I will die trying.”
2. Analysis
2.1. Visionary will
Invited as a guest at the TED (Technology, Design, Entertainment) conference, Peter Weyland presents his particular entrepreneurial vision to the public, with mythological and philosophical connections to make explicit his unlimited ambition to change the world through technological progress.
Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.
Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.” After a three year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow.[12]
Re-examining Prometheus’ transmedia campaign, we notice that the combined use of entertainment processes and integrated information meets particular communicative purposes, with the aim of attracting many types of viewers and promoting the product among the various available media channels.
2.1.1. Main communicative properties:
- Explores a time interval preceding the story of Prometheus, stimulating the user to imagine a hypothetical chronology of interconnected events.
- Establishes elements of reality with the fictional world, combining recognizable visual elements (the TED event) with the result of increasing the level of plausibility perceived with narration through immersive and metacommunication methods.
- For the first time 35 years after the original Alien (1979) it reveals Peter Weyland’s character, underlining his primary psychological profile and his personal biographical backgrounds (expanding a secondary narrative and prior to the main story).
- Shows the technological context (drones and cybernetic individuals), the main architectural spaces (the futuristic massive TED headquarters), and some iconographic elements of the Alien franchise (including the unpublished Weyland Corporation logo.).
- Brings together stylistic aspects of the cinema and digital media languages, reaching and intriguing diverse audiences by combining the the popularity of TED with a fictional character, underscoring the company’s initiative to experiment with innovative promotional ideas.
2.1.2. Other primary promotional initiatives were:
- Simultaneously with the TED conference, @SirPeterWeyland’s personal fictional Twitter profile starts publishing live messages on the Net.
- The video, also announced on the official TED website (22 February 2012), presents the Weyland Corp logo, referring to the Weyland domain in order to present company information and announce immediate financial investment opportunities.
- A week after the video, the homepage of the Weyland site is updated with a notice celebrating the fiftieth anniversary: we are now in 2073 and Weyland Corporation is looking for funding for new industrial developments, including the preparation of the Prometheus Project, a space exploration mission expected to leave in 2091 and arrive on a remote planet on 21 December 2093 (the beginning of the story in Prometheus).
Considering the transmedia communicative strategies that have been adopted during Prometheus’ promotional campaign, Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk proves to be a particularly important project because:
- It combines stylistic aspects of advertising, immersive meta-communication and integrated promotional strategies.
- It presents the character of Peter Weyland, adding details on its philosophical and business visions exploring a specific previous and independent background to the film (which is set in 2093).
- It reveals new information on Prometheus’ techno-social context establishing a visual and stylistic connection through peculiar production elements (colours, photography, aesthetic and linguistic choices).
- It encourages the public into a process of research and comparison of information in a long-term engagement strategy that begins months before and is destined to intensify in the future.
- It helps in evaluating the public’s response in a crucial phase for the calibration of strategic content during the transmedia campaign.
“The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts.”
2.1.3. Narrative structure
Weyland’s speech includes 5 main moments:
- Cinematic quote
The entrepreneur begins his presentation with a reference to T.E. Lawrence, when in a scene by Lawrence of Arabia (D. Lean, 1962), the protagonist blows out a match with his fingers without showing signs of pain. [13] - Prometheus myth
The image of fire connects to Greek mythology, presenting the story of Prometheus, the Titan guilty of stealing fire from the Gods to deliver it to humanity. Weyland shows admiration for Prometheus, condemned by the Gods and chained to a rock to be eaten by an eagle’s liver for eternity. - Chronology of technological innovation
By defining fire as the first real technological tool available to humanity, Weyland summarizes the fundamental moments of the technological evolution of civilization (stone tools, wheel, gunpowder, light bulb, car, television, nuclear weapons, spacecraft, Internet , fusion, fission, theory M) underlining the extreme technological advancement obtained in the past two decades. - Transhumanistic vision
In a provocation, Weyland calls humanity endowed with a “divine” power, now capable of creating artificial life by producing cybernetic individuals soon indistinguishable from human beings. - Identity disclosure
Officially presenting himself to the public, Peter Weyland makes clear his unlimited ambition and willingness to change the whole world.
After the intervention, the Weyland Industries logo and the company website refer to an IT domain.[14]
2.1.4. Information elements (interpretation)
In summary, Weyland’s words underline three fundamental aspects of his existential vision:
- Stoicism
In a stoic vision of life, the difficulties are faced with emotional firmness and willpower, sacrificing with apathy the temporary and earthly well-being of the individual for a superior cause: to obtain great results you must risk and make courageous choices, even in contrast with society and its moral laws. The sacrifices that humanity must make to become a “divine entity” and discover its essence as a “creator of wonders”, have a personal and collective cost which for Weyland it is a duty to face.[15] - Supermanism
Celebrated by Weyland as a martyr, Prometheus challenged the sacred laws of divinities (the supreme order established) to give humanity fire, the first tool that allowed its evolution as a technological civilization. In a metaphorical reading, Weyland’s ambition is to imitate Prometheus by giving humanity the answers (and technologies) deemed unattainable or prohibited, challenging the pre-established laws and secular bonds of society and its institutions. The heroic combination Peter-Prometheus defines Weyland’s personal self-referential and super-mystical perception, determined to sacrifice himself, even at the cost of a fate of suffering and death (like the Titan), for the liberation of humanity from its conservative limits, emphasizing the need to eliminate moral and religious values that have hindered humanity’s progress in the past. In a simplification, Weyland recalls nihilistic influences (denying values and traditions) and Nietzsche’s concept of “will to power” by interpreting himself as “man above men” inventor of new values in a world in crisis, also partially recalling the opera Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883–85) [16] - Transhumanism
Weyland’s nihilism for the past, his hybris against earthly institutions, and his superomistic tendency to create a new man (possibly perfected in his biological limits in an android)[17] attributes to technology (the Prometheus fire actualized in the industrial capacities of Weyland) the divine power, forbidden until now, to redeem the human species (from animals to Gods) and to initiate a new species of superior beings, “divine” because they are capable of creating artificial lives by deciding their appearance, cognitive limits , behavioral and evolutionary.
2.2. Dialogue transcription
Peter Weyland reads:
T.E. Lawrence, eponymously of Arabia, but very much an Englishman, favoured pinching a burning match between his fingers to put it out.
When asked by his colleague, William Potter, to reveal his trick — how is it he so effectively extinguished the flame without hurting himself whatsoever — Lawrence just smiled and said, “The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts.”.
The fire that danced at the end of that match was a gift from the Titan Prometheus, a gift that he stole from the gods. When Prometheus was caught and brought to justice for his theft, the gods[18], well, you might say they overreacted a little. The poor man was tied to a rock as an eagle ripped through his belly and ate his liver over and over, day after day, ad infinitum. All because he gave us fire, our first true piece of technology. Fire.
100.000 BC: Stone tools. 4.000, BC: The wheel. 9th century, AD: Gunpowder. Bit of a game-changer, that one. 19th century: Eureka! The light bulb! 20th century: the automobile, television, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, Internet. 21st century: Biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission, and M-theory — and that was just the first decade. We are now three months into the year of our Lord, 2023. At this moment in our civilization we can create cybernetic individuals who, in just a few short years, will be completely indistinguishable from us.[19] Which leads to an obvious conclusion: we are the gods now.
For those of you who know me, you will be aware by now that my ambition is unlimited. You know that I will settle for nothing short of greatness, or I will die trying. For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Peter Weyland.[20] And if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to change the world.
See the dialogue of the extended original version.[21]
2.3. Visual development
“We are the gods now.”—Peter Weyland
3. Conclusions
3.1. Weyland’s success
Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk represents a perfect example of the evolution and increasing adoption of transmedia design configurations within the entertainment industry. Prometheus’ award-winning promotional campaign has in fact contributed to defining several new modes of immersive communication with transmedia structure, pushing the subsequent sectoral trends towards the radical transformation of a product’s promotional phase into a further entertainment experience: a communication process characterized by narrative expansion, technological experimentation and cultural participation, with collateral material and interdependent informative notions.[22]
“”Prometheus” has transcended the two-hour movie format to become an immersive and pervasive entertainment experience.[…] The Marketing is an extension of the story itself. [In Transmedia] the advertising becomes part of the movie — with the bonus that it is tailored for mobile devices and sharing across social networks.”[23]
The creation of complex fictional worlds, the fragmentation of content in multiple media channels, the methods of meta-communication, intersectoral business synergies and the public’s active role continue to determine innovative promotional solutions and new design goals. The sector’s priority of conceiving, promoting and managing immersive content contributes to the continuous redefinition of technological requirements, representation of information and management methods: strategies and design properties are perfected with the aim of optimizing production processes in the entertainment industry and of catalyzing the contemporary hyper-reactive public’s intense desire for immersion, interaction and appropriation.
“When Prometheus was caught and brought to justice for his theft, the gods, well, you might say they overreacted a little. The poor man was tied to a rock as an eagle ripped through his belly and ate his liver over and over, day after day, ad infinitum.”
promote the search for investors by the company, which has now become a corporation.
[1] The extended original version is available in the special contents of Prometheus (Blu-ray), named The Peter Weyland Files. The seven-minute version was probably deemed too long for users’ habits and, perhaps, even considering the religious and political themes of Weyland’s speech, which was assessed as sensitive content, with the potential risk of generating criticism, negatively influencing the promotional campaign. A caption also reveals the exact location of the TED event, indicating: Long Beach, California. 2023. Vedi
[2] The video was written by Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof and directed by Luke Scott. The event with Peter Weyland was announced in advance on TED’s official blog, where some biographical information on the fictional guest was provided. On the same day, Weyland’s personal Twitter profile (@SirWeyland) appeared online: on it, statements on Weyland Industries’ commercial future were directly released, encouraging the users to visit promotional websites and collect the first available information. Tom Rielly, TED conferences’ community director, jointly with other TED operators, collaborated with the production unit to define the 2023 futuristic setting (production design by David Mark Lee).
[3] From TED (Ted Talk 2023) to Weyland Industries’ official website (the company’s timeline, its services and technology), from LinkedIn (recruitment messages) to Internet Explorer 9 (assessment test), WonderCon (realistic business cards) and Twitter (realistic individual profiles), Prometheus’ promotion has developed through distributing massive quantities of information via multiple and diversified media channels, achieving unprecedented design results. The domain has been disconnected and united with the Alien franchise’s official website. See
[4] Interview with Chris Eyerman. See
[5] In an advertisement (2:30, Johnny Hardstaff), the David 8 android (Michael Fassbender) is interviewed, introducing itself to the public and presenting its operational functions by simulating plausible commercial availability. The visible date indicates 2078 (August 1), 55 years after Peters Weyland’s TED presentation. A section entirely dedicated to the David robots is subsequently opened on the domain, with technical information on them, descriptions of their features and operational capabilities and further details. During Prometheus’ promotional campaign, the images of human emotions shown by David were gradually unlocked by users by collecting and deciphering special fragmented codes on different websites involved in the initiative. The Introducing the David video was also broadcasted on television (for Verizon customers) and diffused as print advertisement (on the Wall Street Journal).
[6] The trailer was broadcasted in prime time on the British TV channel Channel 4, during the first commercial break of the series Homeland.
At the end of the trailer, users were invited to share their opinions on Twitter using the hypertext call #areyouseeingthis? (pronounced by Noomi Rapace). The most enthusiastic comments were then broadcasted live during the next commercial break, transforming the users’ tweets directly into television promotional messages for the first time in an advertising campaign.
[7] The texts, the Yutani Corporation logo and interferences with biometric systems may refer to illegal interception and industrial espionage activities done by the Japanese telecommunications company against Weyland.
[8] Designed in collaboration with Microsoft using the new Internet Explorer 9 and HTML 5, the activity is organised into five training sections (Agility, G-Force, Situational Intelligence, Spatial Relations, Prefrontal Cortex).
It is possible to register on the application via access with Facebook or Twitter credentials, simultaneously sharing the scores and objectives completed in the tests on social media. Each competition also includes secondary objectives, their related exclusive videos and celebratory icons that the user is encouraged to collect, gaining visibility on the Training Center’s main page, and receiving additional content directly on his personal e-mail.
After successfully completing the training, the user can access a Facebook application inside the Weyland website (Employee ID Creator, now disconnected), thus becoming part of the Prometheus crew with the possibility of digitally creating his own mission tag identifier, complete with personal data, passport photos and the Weyland Corporation logo.
[9] The Prometheus spaceship can be piloted to explore the 63 space colonies founded by Weyland Corporation on other planets, with company infographics on energy and mining resources, and 20 concept artworks to be unlocked along the virtual path. The domain was put online during Venus’ alignment with the Sun. Note: it is now disconnected.
[10] The introductory message reports: “Weyland Industries has contracted Dr. Elizabeth Shaw to help further her groundbreaking research on anthropological traces of a shared human origin. This stage of research requires outside agents to assist in the search for artifacts and sites from a variety of cultures that support her hypothesis.” After completing the search for clues, the user can download Dr. Shaw’s entire personal archive, complete with illustrations and notes relating to possible contacts between aliens and ancient human civilizations. Note: the domain is now disconnected. See
[11] Weyland pronounces the sentence “I am a law only for my kind, I am not a law for all”: the connection with Nietzsche reveals part of his cultural and philosophical background, and establishes a semantic and symbolic relationship with the creation of David, with clear thematic and visual allusions to the Superman culture and subsequent Nazi influences (see also the presence of Wagner’s Entry of the Gods into Valhalla reproduced by David in the first sequence of Alien: Covenant). The domain then hosts information on the Prometheus DVD and Blu-Ray. Note: the domain has been disconnected. See
[12] Official TED description.
[13]“The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts.” Dialogue from the original scene: “Oh! It damn well hurts!” “Certainly it hurts.” “Well what’s the trick then?” “The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.” The same quote is pronounced by David 8 (Michael Fassbender) in Prometheus (R. Scott, 2012) e in Alien: Covenant (R. Scott, 2017). Another quote by Lawrence of Arabia is pronounced by David when he contaminates a crew member with the pathogenic liquid found on the alien planet, observing a drop on the tip of his finger with an interesting visual similarity with a scene of the character of T.E. Lawrence. The quote “Big things have small beginnings, [Sir]” it’s from another scene with another character.
In prometheus David watch the film with Frederic Chopin’s Prelude Op. 28, n. 15 (Raindrop) in the background (song also used in the famous Halo 3 commercial
[14] Note: the site has subsequently been extended with numerous sections dedicated to the history, services and projects of Weyland Corporation. The domain has now been deactivated and merged with See
[15] Coincidentally, in the year of the conference, Weyland will turn 33, with an evident religious and prophetic appeal. The sacrifice of Weyland for the truth is made 70 years later, when in Prometheus, during the interplanetary mission, the entrepreneur personally meets an example of Engineer, the alien creative species of humanity. Finally found its creator, Weyland asks the reason for its origin. The alien, however, looks at him with contempt and after decapitating the android David, causes Weyland a fatal head injury.
[16] Revealed after the end credits of the film (June 7–8, 2012), the domain 10.11.12 hosts a three-dimensional model of Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, and a specific note with some historical information on the book’s content. There is also an unpublished video (0:27; extracted from the original extended version) that shows Peter Weyland mentioning Nietzsche absorbed in his thoughts, just before his speech on the TED Talk 2023 stage. The date10.11.12 is also a reference to Weyland Industries’ corporate history, visible on its timeline: “WEYLAND INCORPORATES — Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history.” See
[17] See Weyland’s emotional importance towards David in Prometheus, and especially in the first scene of Alien: Covenant.
[18] On the screen behind Peter Weyland it is possible to read a simulated comment, perhaps released by a user on the Net during the presentation: “Where is Wayland going with this? Thought fire was for all mankind. He’s probably franchised it using it now. #TED”. Despite the blurry writing, it seems that Weyland’s surname was spelled incorrectly, that is, as Wayland instead of Weyland. The hyperlink visible below the text is abbreviated via the Bitly service and refers to the Apple website with the official trailer of Prometheus (
[19] The same sentence is pronounced almost in identical form in the likely advertisement of Weyland Industries, Introducing the David 8.
[20] After Weyland has pronounced his name, being careful, audiences can hear a spectator shout “Traitor!”. The origin and motivation are unknown. In the original extended version, after Weyland utters the phrase “We are the gods now” (4:17) you can hear a voice supposedly shouting at him “That’s right, Peter!”.
[21] In the original extended version, Weyland pronounces the sentence “I am a law only for my kind, I am not a law for all”: the connection with Nietzsche reveals part of his cultural and philosophical background, and establishes a semantic and symbolic relationship with the creation of David, with clear thematic and visual allusions to the Superman culture and subsequent Nazi influences (see also the presence of Wagner’s Entry of the Gods into Valhalla reproduced by David in the first sequence of Alien: Covenant). The domain then hosts information on the Prometheus DVD and Blu-Ray. Note: the domain has been disconnected. See
Complete dialogues:
I am a law only for my kind, I am not a law for all.
T.E. Lawrence, eponymously of Arabia, but very much an Englishman, favoured pinching a burning match between his fingers to put it out. When asked by his colleague, William Potter, to reveal his trick — how is it he so effectively extinguished the flame without hurting himself whatsoever — Lawrence just smiled and said, “The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts.” The fire that danced at the end of that match was a gift from the Titan, Prometheus, a gift that he stole from the gods, [who were terrified of what we might do with it were it to fall into our hairy little paws.] When Prometheus was caught and brought to justice for his theft, the gods, well, you might say they overreacted a little. The poor man was tied to a rock as an eagle ripped through his belly and ate his liver over and over, day after day, ad infinitum. All because he gave us fire, our first true piece of technology. Fire. [Such a very long time ago. Which begs the question: What have we done with?] 100,000, BC: Stone tools. 4,000, BC: The wheel. [800, BC: Sundial.] 9th century, AD: Gunpowder. Bit of a game-changer, that one. [1441: The printing press — only slightly less impactful.] 19th century: [Steam engine. Railway.] Eureka! The light bulb!! 20th century: The automobile, television, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, Internet. 21st century: Biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission, and M-theory — and that was just the first decade. We are now three months into the year of our Lord, 2023. At this moment in our civilization, [we are on the verge of terraforming planets undiscovered just a decade ago. We have identified the genetic chain of events behind 98% of cancers — a chain we have broken, effectively curing them. ]We can create cybernetic individuals who, in just a few short years, will be completely indistinguishable from us. Which leads to an obvious conclusion: We are the gods now. [I haven’t been struck down. I take that to mean I’m right. We wield incredible power — the power to transform, to destroy and to create again. The question, of course, before us is, “What the hell are we supposed to do with this power?” Or, more importantly, one should ask, “What are we allowed to do with this power? The answer to that, my friends, is nothing. Rules, restrictions, laws, ethical guidelines — all but forbidding us from moving forwards. Well, where were the ethics during the Arabian conflicts? Why are rules preventing us from feeding impoverished cultures? How is there a law which states, “If we build a man from wires and metal — a man who will never grow old, a man who will never feel the heat of a star or the cold of the moon — how is the creation of such an incredible individual considered unnatural?” The answer to all these questions is simple: These rules exist because the people who created them were afraid of what would happen if they didn’t. Well I am not afraid!] For those of you who know me, you will be aware by now that my ambition is unlimited. You know that I will settle for nothing short of greatness, or I will die trying. For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself: My name is Peter Weyland. And if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to change the world.
[22] The sophisticated transmedia campaign of The Hunger Games (2011–2015) represents a previous fundamental case study to analyze the evolution of immersive promotion modalities in the entertainment industry.
[23] Interview with Jeff Gomez and Simon Pulman.
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